Poppy counters - The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy.

Fiora is a skill match up tho. . Poppy counters

Illaoi Top. Cast Your Vote Today Vote Vote. 24, Poppy has a 56. This LoL Poppy guide for Jungle at Platinum on 13. 24, Poppy is a Jungle B Tier champion with a 60. Champs listed by lowest win rate matchups vs Teemo in World Emerald . Win Champion Select with Gnar counters for LoL S13 Patch 13. In League's current meta, Wukong usually loses when playing against Poppy, with a 44. See which champion is the better pick with our Poppy vs Warwick matchup statistics. For runes, the strongest choice is Resolve (Primary. 75 seconds. 72 . Ban rate. 23, Malphite has a 51. 6 Zac 340 games 59. For items, our build recommends Plated Steelcaps, Divine Sunderer, Sunfire Aegis, Dead Man&39;s Plate, Thornmail, and Force of Nature. You can already win in champion select with the right counters for. Below, you will find a detailed matchup. For items, our build recommends Plated Steelcaps, Divine Sunderer, Sunfire Aegis, Dead Man&39;s Plate, Thornmail, and Force of Nature. 61. Poppy vs Mordekaiser Top. Ban rate. 4 win rate against Gnar in the Top, which is 3. Most picked runes for Poppy Top are Grasp of the Undying, Shield Bash, Bone. Based on the analysis of 1 852 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. 4 battling Poppy with this build. 6 WR. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick. Poppy vs Quinn Top. CounterStats Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. witsako Poppy Guide. Builds ARAM Arena new Nexus Blitz new Counters Guide Combos Pro Builds Emerald All regions Ranked Solo 13. Poppy is the first champion with full facial animation. In League&39;s current meta, Nocturne usually wins when playing against Poppy, with a 54. In fact, Poppy boasted an average winrate of 48. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. In Jax vs Poppy rounds, Jaxs team is 0. The Poppy build for Jungle is Iceborn Gauntlet and Phase Rush. 34 Win Rate 86 Pick Rate Mordekaiser Top Lane Counters 43 counter champions. This counter data is for Poppy JUNGLE in Plat games. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. 9 win rate with 0. Poppy ADC is ranked Off Meta Tier and has a 47. Top, jungle, mid, bot, support roles on ranked soloduoflex, aram, ranked flex, and normal blinddraft. 3 win rate. Normally, she wins a lowly 46. With the gold difference of 610 gold at the 15th-minute mark, RekSai is the champion that is a strong pick against Poppy. 147 Games. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. Therefore, Aatrox makes an ok counter for Poppy. Poppy moves with her Heroic Charge ability and so you can and should punish any mistakes she makes. See which champion is the better pick with our Gwen vs Poppy matchup statistics. In League&39;s current meta, Poppy usually loses when playing against Nocturne, with a 46. 1 win rate with 2. 2 when countering Mordekaiser with this counter build. 24 WR. In fact, Lillia boasted an average winrate of 52. If it does pin you against a wall, you take double the damage. 24 is Plated Steelcaps, Heartsteel, Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, and Frozen Heart with the most optimal augments being Goliath, Celestial Body, and Perseverance. Unfortunately, Tryndamere does a below average job of countering Poppy. 03 lower against Sett than the average opponent. Name Win Rate vs Counter All Champs Win Rate vs Counter Delta Normalised Delta 2 Games Poppy Counters - LoLalytics has the best Poppy Top vs Top Counters for Patch 13. 19 358 -. In the game's current meta, Gangplank usually fairs equally well when playing against Poppy, with a 50. Gragas Counter. Kalista is a late-game champion, meaning this duo should play as safe as possible during the early game. 4 win rate against Nasus in the Top, which is 2. Thus, Wukong makes a poor counter to Poppy. Sett has done a good job of beating Poppy. Its best to move out of the slow zone, or youll receive double damage (HP). We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA. This counter data is for Poppy JUNGLE in Plat games. 277 GD15. 19 358 -. 5 higher than expected win rate of Poppy. 728 Matches. 24, Poppy has a 44. Top Challenger, Grandmaster, and Master Poppy players from multiple regions. 6 win rate against Lillia in the Jungle, which is 2. Based on the analysis of 151 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. Main Role Order Top Lane > Support > Jungle > Mid Lane > ADC. First Pick Strength. Poppy is a top laner who can win lane against or lose lane against various champions depending on the matchup. Updated Daily. The best items to have in your Poppy versus Darius build include Divine Sunderer, Thornmail, and Dead Man's Plate. This LoL Poppy guide for Jungle at Platinum on 13. 15 484 -. Poppy has a 50. 1 more likely to gain first blood. Based on the analysis of 34 398 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Sixth Item Options. 24, Malphite has a 49. How to counter Poppy. We&39;ve analyzed 1806 Poppy Top Lane games to compile our statistical Poppy Build Guide. This means that Poppy is more likely to lose the game against Kennen than on average. While Poppy does have a higher win rate compared to Fiora, when facing one another, Poppy also has a much greater learning curve that makes her a more. As a result, Poppy makes a good counter to Yone. Counter for Top. This means that Fiora is more likely to lose the game against Poppy than on average. 2 of games the champs face off with each other in. On average, he wins a terrific 52. 0 more expected to earn first blood. 6 win rate against Jarvan IV in the Jungle, which is 0. In Sett against Poppy games, Setts team is 0. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. Normally, she wins a acceptable 49. Counter for Top. Typically, he wins a lowly 47. 0 more probable to earn first blood, implying that he most likely will be able to get. 23, Poppy has a 58. Based on the analysis of 124 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. 6 lower than expected win rate of Poppy. While Darius does have a lower win rate than Poppy, when on opposite teams, Darius also has a much lower difficulty level that makes him a less difficult. As larger rivals close branches, Santa Rosa-based Poppy Bank is opening them. Poppy runes. Based on the analysis of 25 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer. Based on the analysis of 1 336 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. 4 win rate against Jax in the Top, which is 0. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including. League of Legends Champions Aatrox Ahri Akali Akshan Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Aphelios Ashe Aurelion Sol Azir Bard Bel'Veth Blitzcrank Brand Braum Briar Caitlyn Camille Cassiopeia Cho'Gath Corki Darius Diana Dr. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. 24, Briar has a 70. Based on the analysis of 34 398 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. 6 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked S tier. Learn, improve, and step up your Poppy gameplay with Mobalytics. This indicates that he most likely will get first blood against Poppy. Headliner Effect 300 Health, 15 AD. 9 lower than expected win rate of Malphite. 4 win rate. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA. Main Role Order Jungle > Support > Mid Lane > Top Lane > ADC. Therefore, Poppy makes a bad counter for Sett. Poppy Support is ranked Off Meta Tier and has a 55. Your presence makes it very hard for the enemy to escape as they can&39;t go near terrain. We&39;ve analyzed 73536 Poppy games to compile our statistical Poppy ARAM Build Guide. Based on our analysis of 34 428 matches, the best counters for Poppy Jungle. While Poppy does have a lower win rate compared to Sion, when on opposite teams, Poppy also has a greater learning curve that makes her a more time consuming character to learn and master. 0 of the time the champions clash against each other in. 4 General Bug Fix Restored proper animation speeds for Fast Run and Homeguard for Bewitching Poppy. Poppy can activate Steadfast Presence to gain Move Speed and stop enemy dashes around her. 24, Poppy has a 56. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick. 1 win rate against Poppy in the Top, which is 3. Of all champion updates in the game, Poppy has gone the longest without an update to her base splash art prior to her VGU in 2015. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick. Poppy vs Mordekaiser Top. Counter for Jungle. Poppy Support has a 52. Top lane matchups against Poppy. Poppy vs Sett Build Poppy Jungle vs Sett Top Build & Runes. This means that Volibear is more likely to lose the game against Poppy than on average. Win Champion Select with Shen counters for LoL S13 Patch 13. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. 7 win rate. Tier 1 Darius, <- worst encounter ever. Adaptive Force. Based on the analysis of 247 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Keeper&39;s Verdict Bug Fix Knock up duration is no longer shorter than intended. The percent shown is the enemy champion&39;s counter rating against Poppy. Basically hope they dont play someone who can just run at you and kill you. Sort by role, rank, region. 5 win rate with 1. Poppy wins against Aatrox 52. Normally, he wins a lowly 47. 8 win rate. 9 win rate against Poppy in the Top, which is 1. 47 win rate in LoL Patch 13. 9 win rate. While Shen does have a lower winrate than Poppy, when facing one another, Shen also has a lower learning curve that makes him a less difficult champ to develop with. Poppy vs Mordekaiser Top. This means that Volibear is more likely to lose the game against Poppy than on average. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick. GG analyzes millions of LoL matches. Even matchups like teemo, Mord cce, and garen can go poorly. Learn how to counter Poppy in League of Legends and win in Champion Select. Of all champion updates in the game, Poppy has gone the longest without an update to her base splash art prior to her VGU in 2015. This indicates that he most likely will get first blood against Poppy. Therefore, Tahm Kench makes a great counter for Poppy. The ideal items to have in your Renekton versus Poppy build include Goredrinker, Sterak&39;s Gage, and Death&39;s Dance. Use your strong duelling potential in the mid-game to fight and duel anyone who tries to stop you from split pushing. The Poppy build for Jungle is Iceborn Gauntlet and Phase Rush. 2 less expected to earn first blood, indicating that she probably won't get first blood versus Poppy. Based on the analysis of 348 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Mid game15 - 25 min. The Poppy build for Jungle is Iceborn Gauntlet and Phase Rush. Keeper&39;s Verdict Bug Fix Knock up duration is no longer shorter than intended. This means that Volibear is more likely to lose the game against Poppy than on average. 9 lower than expected win rate of Camille. Notably, these runes provided a 48. Poppy build guides on MOBAFire. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. Your existing PLUS and Voice Pack subscriptions will continue normally until the renewal date. counters irelia, yasuo etc pretty well. 5 higher than expected win rate of Poppy. This counter data is for Poppy JUNGLE in Plat games. Poppy Top Lane is ranked B Tier and has a 51. GG analyzes millions of LoL matches. This counter data is for Poppy JUNGLE in Plat games. Based on the analysis of 34 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. K'Sante Top. 49 win rate with an. For runes, the strongest choice is Resolve. Win Champion Select with J4 counters for LoL S13 Patch 13. Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Top Lane champion who counters Rumble. 24 the best build for Poppy is Divine Sunderer, Plated Steelcaps, Sunfire Aegis, Force of Nature, and Thornmail. Illaoi vs Poppy Matchup Summary. 7 when countering Illaoi with this counter build. Find the highest win rate and pick rate Poppy Counters for Jungle in LoL 13. See which champion is the better pick with our Poppy vs Teemo matchup statistics. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. CounterStats Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. This means that Poppy is more likely to lose the game against Singed than on average. Learn, improve, and step up your Poppy gameplay with Mobalytics. League of Legends Champions A statistical breakdown of the Poppy vs Yorick matchup in the Top Lane. See runes, items, skills, trends and tips for Poppy vs Lee Sin and other champions. multi compartment purse, mikayla demaiter nip

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CounterStats Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown. Notably, these runes provided a 54. Play Darius or Olaf into her, Juggernauts mostly counter tanks. This counter data is for Poppy JUNGLE in Plat games. Hide Top Lane Top Lane49. This means that Camille is more likely to lose the game against Poppy than on average. 207 Matches. To have the highest chance of defeating Mordekaiser as Poppy, Poppy players should use the Dark Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Relentless Hunter, Celerity, and Waterwalking runes from the Domination and Sorcery rune sets. Keep ganking and counter ganking when possible. Jax vs Poppy Matchup Summary. 4 win rate against Sion in the Top, which is 1. 47 win rate in LoL Patch 13. 9 win rate and 0. See win rates, stats, build, runes, synergies and tips for each matchup. Based on our analysis of 19 353 matches in patch 13. Poppy vs Aatrox Build Poppy Jungle vs Aatrox Top Build & Runes. Most picked runes for Poppy Support are Aftershock, Font of Life, Bone. 19 358 -. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Poppy. so against nasus, yas, irilia, jayce etc so personally people like to say she is the best counter picker in the game. 80 win rate in LoL Patch 13. GG analyzes millions of LoL matches. You should be careful when picking Master Yi into Poppy. Main Role Order Top Lane > Mid Lane > Jungle > Support > ADC. Poppy has a 53. 8 higher than expected win rate of Poppy. R Keeper&39;s Verdict. 1 more likely to gain first blood. Poppy ADC is ranked Off Meta Tier and has a 49. This counter data is for Poppy JUNGLE in Plat games. In Tryndamere against Poppy rounds, Tryndameres team is 0. 15 484 -. 24, Poppy has a 50. 8 lower than expected win rate of Poppy. This indicates that she probably will be able to get first blood versus Renekton. That is not different for Poppy. 24, Poppy has a 51. These picks are weak against Illaoi at many stages of the game. Poppy Jungle has a 50. This means that Poppy is more likely to win the game against Shen than on average. By Modasaurus Archive. 24 the best runes for Poppy Jungle are Dark Harvest, Sudden Impact, Zombie Ward, and Treasure Hunter for primary tree, as well as Nimbus Cloak and Transcendence for secondary tree. This LoL Poppy guide for Jungle at Platinum on 13. Best Counter Picks from the Best Data. 728 Matches. In the game's current meta, Viego usually wins when trying to fight Poppy, with a 51. 45 higher against Akali than the average opponent. 9; Teemo Swain is a new archetype that emerged recently alongside Riven Swain as a way to combine to powerful Bandle City midrange package with Swain. 8 win rate against Kennen in the Top, which is 5. 19 353 -. third is standard for junglers, as it reduces jungle monster damage. RekSai is hard to learn and has more complex mechanics that need to be mastered to gank efficiently. While Poppy does have a higher winrate compared to Yone, when they face off with one another, Poppy also has a lower difficulty level. This counter data is for Poppy JUNGLE in Plat games. 0 higher than expected win rate of Teemo. While K'Sante does have a much lower winrate than Poppy, when on opposite teams, K'Sante also has a much greater learning curve that. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference, XP. 7 win rate. 4 when countering Poppy with this counter build. 0 more expected to gain first blood. Win rate 1597W - 1524L. Thus, Nocturne makes a great counter for Poppy. Runes, items, and skill build in patch 13. This indicates that he most likely will be able to get first blood versus Poppy. While Gwen does have a lower win rate than Poppy, when they face off with one another, Gwen also has a lower level of difficulty that makes her a less complex champion to pick up and master. We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. 6 WR. 24 the best build for Poppy is Divine Sunderer, Plated Steelcaps, Dead Man's Plate, Force of Nature, and Thornmail. 1 win rate against Poppy in the Top, which is 3. 3 of matches the champions face off with one another in. The best Poppy one tricks (OTP) and mains in high elo. 8 win rate. 24, Teemo has a 57. 4 win rate against Gnar in the Top, which is 3. S13 Patch 13. The highest win rate AP Poppy build, from rune set to skill order to item path, for Jungle. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick. 24 includes runes, items, skill order, and counters. CounterStats Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. And although your E doesnt CC, that can be a good thing in some ways. League of Legends Champions A statistical breakdown of the Poppy vs Yorick matchup in the Top Lane. The Poppy build for Jungle is Divine Sunderer and Phase Rush. Once released, Poppy emits a shockwave in a direction, launching enemies hit by the shockwave back a MASSIVE DISTANCE towards their base. Both champs have their pros and cons. Win rate against Zed Poppy 61. 24, Poppy has a 47. E Heroic Charge. Use win rate, gold. In Tryndamere against Poppy rounds, Tryndameres team is 0. 0 win rate against Singed in the Top, which is 2. This means that Poppy is more likely to win the game against Elise than on average. While Poppy does have a higher winrate compared to Yone, when they face off with one another, Poppy also has a lower difficulty level. This counter data is for Poppy JUNGLE in Plat games. 9 lower than expected win rate of Malphite. Poppy vs Lillia Jungle. 6 WR. Warwick vs Poppy Jungle. Find the best and worst picks against Poppy in the Jungle and Top Lane based on win rate, kills, deaths, and early laning advantages or disadvantages. 235 GD15. 9 win rate against Mordekaiser in the Top, which is 2. Thank you for your understanding Best Poppy Counters, Matchups, win rate, early and late game Poppy counter picks, challenger Poppy tips & tricks & counter tips. . craiglsit nashville